
Please carefully read the entire "Legal Disclaimer" section. This information does not constitute legal, financial, business, or tax advice, and it is strongly recommended that you consult with your own professional advisors before engaging in any activities related to this matter. The company, project contributors, distributors, and service providers mentioned in this disclaimer shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages or losses incurred while accessing the whitepaper or any other materials associated with BRCDEX.

Project Purpose:

By acquiring BRCDEX tokens, you are participating in BRCDEX and gaining access to ecosystem services. The company, distributors, and affiliated parties contribute to the development of BRCDEX but act as third parties, not financial advisors or fiduciaries.

Nature of the Whitepaper:

The Whitepaper is a conceptual document that outlines design principles and ideas for the creation of BRCDEX tokens. It is meant for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a prospectus, offer document, solicitation for investment, or a basis for any contractual relationship. The accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the Whitepaper or on the website (https://brcdex.finance) are not guaranteed, and the roadmap and functionality described may be subject to change without obligation to update the document.

Validity of Whitepaper and Website:

The Whitepaper and the website do not constitute an offer to sell BRCDEX tokens, and they should not be relied upon for investment decisions or contractual commitments. The separate terms and conditions provided by the distributor govern any distribution or transfer of BRCDEX tokens and prevail over the Whitepaper or website in case of inconsistencies.

Deemed Representations and Warranties:

By accessing the Whitepaper or the website, you are deemed to represent and warrant that you have not relied on any statements in the Whitepaper or website for acquisition decisions, you comply with applicable laws, and you understand that BRCDEX tokens may have no value or guarantee of liquidity. The company, distributors, and affiliates are not responsible for the value, transferability, or availability of markets for BRCDEX tokens.


BRCDEX tokens are designed for utilization within the BRCDEX ecosystem and do not possess intrinsic value or represent ownership, financial rights, or securities. They are not intended as investments, loans, or representations of money. Ownership or beneficial interest in the assets of the company or distributors is not conferred through BRCDEX tokens.

Informational Purposes Only:

The information provided in the Whitepaper is conceptual and subject to change at the discretion of the company and distributors. The development, release, and timing of products or features are not guaranteed and remain under the sole discretion of the relevant parties.

Regulatory Approval:

No regulatory authority has examined or approved the information presented in the Whitepaper or on the website. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations is not implied by the publication or dissemination of the Whitepaper or website.

Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Statements:

Forward-looking statements in the Whitepaper, press releases, or other public statements may involve risks and uncertainties. The company, distributors, and project contributors do not make any representations or commitments regarding future performance and bear no responsibility for the accuracy or reasonableness of such statements.

References to Companies and Platforms:

Mention of company names or trademarks in the Whitepaper or on the website does not indicate affiliation or endorsement unless explicitly stated. Such references are provided for illustrative purposes only.

English Language:

In case of conflict or ambiguity between translated versions of the Whitepaper or website and the English language version, the English language version prevails. By accessing the Whitepaper or website, you acknowledge reading and understanding the English language version.

No Distribution:

The copying, reproduction, distribution, or dissemination of any part of the Whitepaper or website without prior written

Last updated